Situated on a road of similar apartments within walking distance of Clitheroe town centre and its ever growing number of amenities, this first floor apartment does now require complete modernisation throughout but provides plenty of scope for improving and upgrading.
The property would make an excellent first time buy for someone wanting to do the works themselves or as an investment.
Entrance porch: With UPVC external door, meter cupboards and staircase to the first floor landing.
Ground floor storeroom: 1.9m x 2.2m (6'1" x 7'1"); with shelving.
Landing: With attic access point.
Living room: 5.2m x 3.4m (17'0" x 11'3"); with television point and built-in storage cupboard.
Dining kitchen: 3.4m x 2.5m (11"3" x 8"4"); with a range of fitted base and matching wall storage cupboards, electric cooker point, single drainer stainless steel sink unit, plumbed and drained for an automatic washing machine and separate built-in storage cupboard housing hot water cylinder.
Bedroom one: 3.4m x 3.7m (11"3" x 12"1"); with built-in wardrobes.
Bedroom two: 4.1m x 2.4m (13"5" x 7"10"); with built-in cupboard.
Bathroom: With low level w.c. and a panelled bath.
We have been informed by the vendor that the property owns the front and side gardens.
HEATING: Fitted electrical night storage heaters complemented by majority double glazed windows in UPVC frames.
SERVICES: Mains water, electricity and drainage are connected.
TENURE: Leasehold with the remainder of a 125 year lease from November 1990.
SERVICE CHARGE: There is a service charge of £29.50 per month which covers buildings insurance and communal repairs.
EPC: The energy efficiency rating of the property is E.